Your go-to academic printing guide 

A short guide to printing dissertations and essays for submission, or just for you. 

How does my work need to be submitted and presented? 

Your university will have its own clear requirements. Often they will require single-sided, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman, usually bound with lamination, and always A4. Of course, they will make that clear in their guidelines. 

A lot of universities don’t accept hard copies anymore, and all submissions are online in PDF form. In that case, printing your project will just be for you and any proud relatives who might want to read it. Obviously, how you print is up to you, but your masterpiece still deserves a good binding and lamination to sit on your shelf and pass around the family. 

The problem with printing on campus 

A lot of universities and student unions have their own print shops, especially if the institution still accepts or requires hard-copy submissions. They will usually be able to print and bind your dissertation, but they can be a little unreliable. Some have very limited opening hours, and often the equipment is a little outdated, which means there’s more chance of breakdowns and delays. 

Also, the closer it gets to a submission deadline, the more orders they’ll be trying to fulfil, which means you might be at a back of a long queue, getting stressed about the time. To get your dissertation printed reliably and quickly, use Printt — you’ll be able to pick up your printing in two hours, or if you need next-day delivery, that’s available too. 

We can bind and laminate your project for you, and print however many copies you’d like, and you could have them the same day. 

If you’re printing an essay, you could use a library or a student union printer, but you still have to rely on the building being open, and you still have to worry about being stuck in a long queue. That’s going to get extremely stressful around your deadlines. 

Order copies with Printt, and you can have your printing the same day. Even if you’re not required to submit hard copies, they’re incredibly useful for proofing and editing. At the end of your course, you might even want to have a printed and bound collection of all your essays as a keepsake. 

Printing on a deadline  

When it’s close to the submission deadline and you still need to print, you don’t need the stress of having to find a printer that’s working and available. Rather than trying to make use of a communal printer in a rush with lots of fellow students, you can always use Printt. Print with us and you can collect your printed and bound dissertation in two hours. There are over 300 local print shops where you can pick it up, and you’ll get a notification to tell you as soon as it’s ready. If you need your dissertation delivered, you can choose next-day delivery.  

Companies overcharge students for printing 

The cost of printing adds up to a lot over your course. Though there are lots of ways to save money on student printing, when you’re printing under deadlines, you’re not thinking about the best value, you’re just thinking about how to get it done. 

A lot of companies know that students are under stress so a lot of them take the opportunity to overcharge them for dissertation printing, because they know they’ll get away with it. Printt won’t try and take advantage of you, and you can get an instant quote online before you even start your order, so the price is always upfront and transparent.   

Printing and the environment 

When you use your printer, a friend’s, or a library’s, you’re not printing in the most environmentally friendly way. Aside from the impact of paper usage, thousands of printers end up in landfill every year, which means a lot of unbiodegradable plastic waste and leaking chemicals. 

Printt means nobody has to own a printer, our printing partners are carbon neutral, and we plant a tree for every 5,000 pages printed, so it’s easy to minimise your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment.